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What is ChatGPT? (Generated by ChatGPT)

Chatbot GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a computer program designed to have text-based conversations with humans. It is powered by artificial intelligence and uses a large amount of pre-existing text data to learn how to generate human-like responses. Chat GPT can understand and interpret human input, and then generate relevant and coherent responses based on its training. It can be used for various purposes, such as answering questions, providing information, engaging in casual conversations, or assisting with tasks. Essentially, Chat GPT aims to simulate a conversation with a human, using AI algorithms to generate text-based replies.

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1The Chat gpt module
2The Chat gpt playground
3Ideas to make Chat GPT to act like a professional in relevent topic
4More ideas like above
5More ideas like above
6More ideas like above

How to ask ChatGPT

ChatGPT considers a wide range of words and factors when generating a response. Here are some types of words or elements that the model takes into account:

  1. Keywords:-- ChatGPT analyzes the keywords in your input to understand the main focus or topic of the question. It uses these keywords to generate a relevant response.

  2. Contextual words:-- The model pays attention to the surrounding words and phrases to capture the context of the conversation. This helps it generate responses that are coherent and appropriate within the given context.

  3. Question words:-- ChatGPT recognizes question words such as "what," "who," "where," "when," "why," "how," "can," "would," "should," and "is." These words help guide the model in understanding the type of question being asked and shaping its response accordingly.

  4. Modifier words:-- Words like "not," "never," "always," "sometimes," "probably," "maybe," "likely," "unlikely," and other modifiers influence the tone, certainty, or possibility of the response. These modifiers can alter the model's response to convey different perspectives or degrees of certainty.

  5. Comparison and superlative words:-- Words such as "better," "worse," "more," "less," "most," "least," "faster," "slower," and similar terms allow the model to make comparisons, evaluate options, or provide rankings when relevant to the question.

  6. Descriptive and explanatory words:-- ChatGPT considers words that provide descriptions, explanations, or examples to enhance the clarity and depth of its responses. These words help the model provide detailed information or provide illustrative examples.

  7. Sentiment and emotional words:-- The model can understand and respond to words that convey emotions, sentiments, or opinions. It can capture positive, negative, or neutral tones and generate responses that align with the sentiment expressed in the input.

It's important to note that while ChatGPT considers these various types of words and elements, its responses are generated based on patterns learned from the training data and may not always perfectly align with the intended meaning or context. It's advisable to review and verify the information provided by the model to ensure accuracy.

The Playground

The ChatGPT Playground is an interactive web interface by OpenAI. It allows users to have text-based conversations with the ChatGPT language model. Users can enter prompts or questions, and the model generates responses. The playground offers options to adjust the model's behavior and provides a platform for exploring its capabilities. It serves as a demonstration of the model's conversational abilities and provides an engaging environment for users to interact with the language model.

Here is the link for playground, The sections Api reference and Examples will exmplain more details how one can benifit from the chatGPT.


Tokens in ChatGPT are the individual units of text that the model processes. They can be characters, words, or parts of words. The length of an input sequence is measured in tokens, and there is a maximum token limit that affects the cost and response of the model.


There is a relationship between token pricing and number of words consumed. There is a limitation in token consumption; ChatGPT 3.x has a limit of 4096 tokens, whereas ChatGPT 4.x has 8000 tokens. The tokens are consumed for both asking questions and generating responses.

The tokens are consumed for both asking questions and generating responses. A word in a particular context will be considered a token; for example, if a sentence starts with "Red," it will have a single token throughout the conversation.

If you don't have required tokens to generate the reponse, you may not get sensible output.

Some approximate calculations:

  • 1 token ~= 4 characters in English
  • 1 token ~=3/4 of a word (i.e 100 tokens ~= 75 words)
  • 1-2 sentence ~=30 Tokes
  • 1 paragraph ~= 100 tokens
  • 1,500 wordds ~= 2048 tokesn

While generating a response, GPT will consider previous questions and answers, which also consumes tokens; the bigger the conversation, the more tokens will be consumed. To get an effective result, summarize your previous conversation and continue your chat, or maybe start a new chat for better token consumption optimization.


The tokenizer in ChatGPT is a component that breaks down input text into individual tokens. It segments the text into meaningful units, such as words or subwords, and assigns special tokens for punctuation and formatting. The tokenizer's output is used by the model to process and generate responses. You can use this link to calculate the approximate tokens for your text

Priming and prompting

When you pose detailed questions to ChatGPT, it can generate more appropriate responses compared to search engines. Unlike search engines, ChatGPT goes beyond simple keyword matching. It analyzes the context and structure of your question, enabling it to understand the nuances and relationships between different elements. By considering these factors, ChatGPT can provide more relevant and contextually accurate answers, leading to a more satisfactory conversational experience.

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