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Delete in MongoDB

In MongoDB, the delete operation is part of the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and focuses on removing existing documents from a collection. Below are some common methods used for deleting data:

Methods for Delete Operations


Deletes a single document that matches the query criteria.

db.collection.deleteOne({ query })


db.users.deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId("5f50c31b8501f31a91c0f3b4") })


Deletes all documents that match the query criteria.

db.collection.deleteMany({ query })


db.users.deleteMany({ status: "inactive" })


Finds a single document that matches the query criteria and deletes it, optionally returning the deleted document.

db.collection.findOneAndDelete({ query }, { options })


db.users.findOneAndDelete({ username: "john_doe" }, { projection: { _id: 1 } })

Options for Delete Operations

  • sort: Specifies the order in which to delete multiple documents when using findOneAndDelete().

    db.collection.findOneAndDelete({ query }, { sort: { field: 1 } })
  • projection: Specifies which fields to return in the deleted document when using findOneAndDelete().

    db.collection.findOneAndDelete({ query }, { projection: { field: 1 } })


  1. Atomicity: MongoDB delete operations are atomic on the level of a single document.

  2. Write Concern: You can specify a write concern for delete operations to ensure that the data is flushed to disk or replicated to a certain number of nodes.

  3. Cascading Deletes: MongoDB does not support native cascading deletes. If you need to remove documents from multiple collections, you'll have to manage it in your application code.

  4. Indexes: Deleting documents does not automatically remove any associated index entries. Indexes are updated as part of the delete operation.

Understanding these delete operations is crucial for managing data effectively in MongoDB. Given your role as a software product architect, this knowledge can be invaluable for designing robust and efficient MongoDB-based systems. Would you like to know more about any specific aspect of delete operations in MongoDB?