📄️ Intro
The display property in CSS is a fundamental property that controls the layout behavior of an element within the document flow. It determines how an element should be displayed and how it interacts with other elements in the layout. Understanding the display property is crucial for anyone involved in web development, especially for roles that require a deep understanding of how elements are rendered on the page.
📄️ Block Display
The display: block; value in CSS is one of the most fundamental and commonly used display values. It controls how an element behaves in the layout, specifically making the element behave like a block-level element. Understanding this property is crucial for anyone involved in web development, as it forms the basis for many layout decisions.
📄️ Inline Display
The display: inline; value in CSS is another fundamental display setting that controls how an element behaves within the layout. Unlike block-level elements, inline elements do not start on a new line and only take up as much width as their content requires.
📄️ Inline-Block Display
The display inline; and display: block;. It allows elements to maintain an inline-level context while accepting block-level styling. This is particularly useful for creating layouts where you want elements to sit next to each other horizontally but still be able to specify their dimensions, which is not possible with pure inline elements.
📄️ None Display
The display: none; value in CSS is used to completely remove an element from the document flow and rendering tree. This means that the element will not be displayed on the page and will not take up any space. It's as if the element doesn't exist in the DOM for the purposes of rendering.
🗃️ Flex Box
3 items
🗃️ Grid
8 items
📄️ Table Display
The display: table; value in CSS allows you to make an element behave like an HTML `` element. This is particularly useful for creating grid-like layouts without using the actual table markup, which is semantically incorrect for non-tabular data.
📄️ Contents Display
The display: contents; value in CSS is a somewhat unique and specialized display setting that essentially makes the element itself disappear from the layout, causing its children to take its place in the document flow. This can be particularly useful for semantic markup and accessibility, as it allows you to keep semantic or structural elements in the DOM without affecting layout.
📄️ List-Item Display
The display: list-item; value in CSS is used to make an element behave like a list item, similar to an HTML `` element. This property is particularly useful when you want to create custom list structures or apply list-like styling to elements that are not naturally list items.